sexta-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2017

Malditos em sua essência
Malditos eternos
nas veias malditas
sangue que ferve
Malditos amores
olhos, olhares
Malditos olhares tão diferentes
se deitam em espinhos
sorriem, estão todos
Malditos seremos
no inferno apocalíptico

SALVE O MOVIMENTO DA Cultura Maldita !!!!


terça-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2017

De nada me servem
minha cultura,
o conhecimento.
Ilusões vaidosas
mente nublada, num misto de ódio e fuga.
De nada me servem
meus dons, os ditos talentos
Sou nada.
Poeira de estrelas unidas numa forma de átomos distorcidos.
Essas estradas tão pedregosas.
De nada me servem os conflitos as dores da alma
apenas me reduzem
me aniquilam
uma tremenda farsa
reconhecidamente insana
O que é ser melhor?
sucumbindo no caos
a verdade cortante
De nada me servem meus amores
meus desejos
não existem
ruminando visões sombrias
Quer luz
Mas de nada serviria
minha luz está em tudo
todo esse nada
Me calo.

segunda-feira, 6 de novembro de 2017

Noite escura
Telhado que anda
Culpa cuspida por quem te odeia
engolem, aceitam
Do que?
Olhos injetados
Círculos viciosos
Criaturas os rodeiam
Artistas da fome
Em suas masmorras
Olhos vendados
Sorriem todos desdenhando tamanha idiotice
Unidos em dimensões
Mentes de gosto destrutivo
Felizes de modo a chocar

sexta-feira, 22 de setembro de 2017


Minha carne rasgada,
olhos vidrados, restos de alguém que passou.
É amor.
No escuro lembrando,  tentando esquecer.
Nada é suficiente para me entorpecer.
Meu grande amor.
Se foi.
Se foi entre gritos e desespero, me alegrei com ódio profundo.
Escrevi com lágrimas, palavras de cristal.
Me enrosquei em espinhos suaves, que penetravam tão loucamente dolorosos.
Meu amor.
Confuso, distante, eterno.
Atrás das portas chorei, pedi para morrer.
Sem adeus, sem olhar.
Todos os dias meu café é amargo,
amargo de amor.
De sonho, sonho azul cobalto, sonho que nas veias matou,
sonho de corpos na neve,
amor cinzento que queima.
Poema mal feito de amor.

segunda-feira, 11 de setembro de 2017

terça-feira, 25 de julho de 2017

Essa noite anjos baixaram suas asas sobre mim
Asas essas que me calaram por um minuto, um século talvez.
Me fizeram chorar por meus erros
Eu então mais uma vez calei meu espírito
Fechei meus olhos
Suas asas me queimavam como se eu fosse um demônio
Me acolhiam
Tinha decidido
Queria o fogo
Mas os anjos me acolheram
Anjos caídos
Todos me olhavam
Raios de luzes azuis cortavam o céu
Os anjos de luz me disseram coisas
Sussurravam histórias de amor e paz
Eu queria arder
Eles choraram por mim
Asas escuras batiam frenéticamente por mim
Aclamavam a dor
Eu queria mastigar minha consciência
Os anjos haviam me falado
Tudo seria diferente
Eu tentei me esconder
Tentei fugir
Ainda ouço no meio da noite
O bater sinistro de anjos na minha janela
Ainda ouço ruídos debaixo da cama
Ainda quero dormir para sempre.
E esquecer o brilho daquela estrela.


John foi o único sopro de vida
Enredado, entrelaçado com a morte,  não poderia.
De fato se entregava com certo prazer
Tão certo quanto as veias pulsando
Olhos vidrados
John é poesia feita de dor
Machuca, implora
Com pés gelados..coração duro
Neve por todos os lados
Angústia em metanfetaminas
Perdido em quartos sujos
Ele era amor
É espinho
Aceitou o sangue
Sem preces para aconchegar seus medos
O dono do vilarejo
John escolheu
Foi escolhido
Foi recolhido pela princesa louca
Que espera os dias passarem
E agora ficou sozinha
John partiu.
Deixou tudo para trás
Até mesmo aquela por quem jurou amor
Em doses alucinógenas
Em gritos sufocados
John a deixou
E ela passou a dançar nas tumbas
John não voltou
Não ligou
Nem mandou um olá
A dolorosa existência
Que acorrenta
Até o dia  em que terra nos cubra
John é vida pura em morte certa

terça-feira, 18 de julho de 2017

Tive várias visões sobre vc essa noite.
Faces milenares.....vidas em Eras além dos tempos.
Of course..comfortably numb we were.....
Em um momento tu eras um velho como se fosse talhado em rochas.
Eu entendi de várias formas
Enquanto seus rostos passavam por mim se apresentando
Eu conhecia todos
Além das portas abertas...
um entendimento
Luz dos olhos.

sábado, 1 de julho de 2017

O fetiche era mãos.
Fetiche era segredo.
Era nuvem entorpecida,
Fetiche era querer,
era ficar de joelhos.
Segredos ditos ao pé da orelha,
Fetiche era olhar nos olhos,
sentir o gosto e querer todos os dias.
É fetiche por  inteiro.
Sombras de agitação elétrica.
Fetiche sorrateiro.
Escraviza a vontade,
deseja  submissão.
Fetiche são as mãos, que deslizam.
Fetiche é noite quieta, que sobe escadas,
finge que não liga.
Não esquece.
Sorri e continua,
fetiche pela ilusão.
Por olhos, boca,
fetiche por sussurros roucos.
Fumaça que dispersa, que seduz.

segunda-feira, 12 de junho de 2017

I want to dissolve in bitter tears .... I want the sweetness of the white clouds ... clearing my gray days ..... I wanted to be able to fight against my internal violence ... but it's late ... I can not feel it anymore The warmth of loving arms ... I no longer want to smile with friends in bars at night ..... I want to lie in a dark room and let life for me pass .. without me seeing her .... . I want the complete oblivion of the sunny days ..... of the wishes I have created in my hallucinatory moments ... just the cigarette company killing me slowly ... the devil lurking in the corner ... smiling every now and then .. .me waiting ... my hell is worse than burning ... it's worse than imagining ... I want the coldness of the cruel stones closing my bed in the shadows of death ... I mean that I loved ... that I hated .... I stopped being something or someone .... just a story told badly, quickly forgotten .....

segunda-feira, 5 de junho de 2017

She wants to die
She wants the pain
In her hand...the knife
Color red
Not enough to pass
Blood on the floor
Waiting for the moment
When her will be close a dream
She will smile
A sad smile
No tears 
No one to see her
A shadow in this place
She wants to die
No love in her fucking life
No one to say goodbye
Almost done
Last thought to him
Last whisper in shame
Clouds in the eyes
Trying to get back
No way

terça-feira, 30 de maio de 2017

Prisoners in the collective unconscious
Grumpy mouths snorting venom in the name of God,
Cursing in the name of love,
 Filthy feet crawling in an orgy in the old world. .
Wanting white masks to crush his hands,
The languages,
 Tearing the viscera,
In a dark night of dread and lamentation,
Which even in the deepest spheres of Dante could not hear,
So much dirt on a sweet face
 With an exposed heart pulsing only for the chosen ones ..
We have seen that it kills with promises of imperial paradise

segunda-feira, 29 de maio de 2017

Died without love
With the keys in hand
The winds continue to howl on the hill
 Stars fell in the sea
No brightness, no color.
She died with narrow eyes.
No flower on your gravestone
Swallowed by worms
No regrets
In the eternal vacuum gliding

Morreu sem amor
com as chaves na mão
Os ventos continuam uivando no morro
estrelas cairam no mar
sem brilho, sem cores.
Morreu com olhos esgazeados
nenhuma flor em sua lápide
Engolida por vermes
Sem pesares
No vácuo eterno planando

sábado, 27 de maio de 2017

She wants to die
She wants the pain
In her hand...the knife
Color red
Not enough to pass
Blood on the floor
Waiting the moment
When her will be close a dream
She will smile
A sad smile
No tears
No one to see her
A shadow in this place
She wants to die
No love in her fucking life
No one to say goodbye
Almost done
Last thought to him
Last whisper in shame
Clouds in the eyes
Trying to get back
No way

segunda-feira, 22 de maio de 2017

Not a perfect translation yet...enjoy!!!



The sirens blaring, rain, confusion, fallen man, wounded, blood being washed the sky, sitting on the curb, watching others, the drained hair on the face, dirty, full of scratches, cold, people talking aroun. Could not hear anything only the tumult, like a huge buzz even more stunning your aching head.
Saw rise up the body on the stretcher, drenched in blood and rain, what happened really? The pain throughout body beginning to increase because of the cold, someone was speaking directly to her, could not pay attention, what happened there? Because they were taking the man in an ambulance?
Paramedics were asking something, she could not understand, just stared at the man who spoke and did not know why they were there or what had happened, why they were there? Was it really him she was seeing there, lying now in the ambulance receiving first aid? Your Friend.
Curious passed and stopped to observe, through the police and rescuers confusion.
- It must be a dream wake up soon.
Some images appeared in flashes in his head, screaming, people running, all very confusing, nothing made sense, then everything disappeared and she came back and watch the people around him talking, talking, and there it blankly, felt pain throughout the body, someone put a blanket around her shoulders, trying to lift her, she wanted to ask where they were going because it was there, but could not speak, I felt so much headache, had blood on his hands.
He woke up at home, Eddie sitting in an armchair next to the bed where she lay.
Ah! Woke up, what was that all about? What happened this time?
-Where Is he?
-In The hospital, badly hurt, teeth pulled, one of the badly damaged eyes, and worst of all, the cuts on his wrists, was a violent attack.
-I Can not even remember the right things ... I'm all sore ... I took too?
-Oh fuck! How do I know? I only seek you, again talking to me, do not you?
-Actually no ... my head ....
I think you took some blows as well, what you were doing? Where they were going? That fag caused it?
-To Talking like that of Susy.
In fact she had passed was far greater than your mind could remember, perhaps the fear and the pain had blocked, had used the drug, and the effects were always a surprise, did not want to remember, every time was like.
After so long, the use of what already was a painful and distressing change, the psychological reactions were not the worst, physical mutation was the most difficult thing that it caused and in a certain way, a satisfaction that can not be described.
Only this time there was an oversight of the two, as they learned who they were, or that outside casual confrontation of common bandits?
His body was full of bruises, so much pain he could barely move, had some broken nails, realized that tufts of hair had been pulled, the head appeared to have been beaten to the ground several times, as well as possible.
Eddie approached her very angry and held her by the arms.
-More What the fuck! You will never stop this madness! Why? Continue this until when? Have you ever thought what will they do with you and now you know where we are going to start all over again ....
- Calm honey, let's be more careful now.
-Now? Damn, you saw the state of that fag? We saw what they did to him? It was close, for very little this time.
-I know, do not really know, do not remember, do not know why this time I can not remember.
-Maybe some new effect of this shit.
-Could be, who knows ... I need some sleep, you can make all the dark?
-I need to leave, I will let you rest, try to put your head in dear place, this can not go on like this, things will get out of control, think about it.
She hugged him lovingly and kissed him with love, but she could see that her beautiful blue eyes were sadder than usual, eyes, which were for her a deep mirror of the soul of the man she loved so much, I loved more than anything. Let him leave.
He fell into a dreamless sleep, heavy and dark like that room.
When he woke up, no longer had sense of time, Eddie was there, as always, he smiled,
-Good Afternoon dear!
His smile was so charming that she could not help thinking with pain because he was doing all that because I could not leave all that aside madness, and live with his love only? The madness was part of his love, and he knew it too, maybe he loved her all this madness, and they lived together before, strange things, could no longer entertain a de facto separation. She wondered if he really loved her, or if only I used to take care of her as an older brother, thinking it was painful, imagine that your love was less made her suffer more than he could endure. His love for Eddie was intense.
-Made coffee dear, you hungry?
-I'm starving, how long did I sleep?
-Almost three days.
-All this?  Wow! This time exhausted everything he had even said it with a smile unmotivated.
-Yes, you risk unnecessarily.
-You Know it's not true, because I know I submit to it all.
Yeah I know, but you really believe it will be able to continue? Do you think you still need all this, all this pain, especially since the largest harmed are you?
-Yes, actually we were the losers larger and need to end all this, you can not think I could live all this shit with that memory punishing me, reducing me every time, you know that every time is more painful and dangerous You do not know?
-Darling ...
-Please do not ask me to stop now after all ... please ... I can not, now we can balance ourselves with this fucking shit ...
-Balance? Look what you spend each time you use this shit, all this pain, this horrible thing, you can call balance?
-From A way, yes, we have evolved a lot, do not you think?
-Yes, but every day it all gets worse, and the risks increase and you expose yourself, unnecessarily.
-All I do need love. Fanatics out there, every day increasing, like rats.
-Okay. Let's eat, let this matter and then then. Are you okay to go down?
-Yeah, I'm just in pain in the body of the blows I think, but I can go down.
Down to the meal.
Until with relish, eggs, orange juice, he had even bought chocolate cake for her, I knew to be her favorite. She still heartily, then went to the balcony of the house and lit a cigarette, smoked quietly, as if his life were that quiet and happy thing that time, wanted everything to sum up just so he could rest his head on your lap Love and be at peace and that all pain and memories that were so difficult load alone vanished forever
-Darling, to which led to Susy?
-I think that went to University Hospital because you are wanting to go there?
-Sure, I need to see it, knowing exactly what happened, check on him, see what he can remember, who were those guys do not know, need to know why they wanted to get us, if they were who I'm thinking.
-Yes dear, go to the hospital, you want to take a bath? If remake first?
-I think I'm in a terrible state does not it?
-They both laughed, because she really was not very stimulating aspect. He finished his cigarette, rose and went straight stop the shower for a long hot bath and relaxing, really needed it.
At the hospital he was already awake with a start, the body aches, the needles stuck in his arms, the noise of the machines monitoring his body left him more frightened still, he was alone in a ward or ICU, did not know what it was, his real name was Roberto, but being homosexual throughout their lives received various nicknames and Susy was one of the most used even for him.
Knew  needed to get out of hospital quickly,  could not let them do deeper examinations in their blood, or anything more comprehensive, which could identify any anomalies, began to pluck the needles, jumped up, dropped the small bedside table that was on the side the bed, which made him even more frightened, his despair was such that he began to feel the metamorphosis of pain beginning, could not happen here at all, cold sweat, violent rage surfacing, could feel the skin tugging, not could not believe that was going to happen there, it was not possible, how long would that place? Does anyone know he was in that hospital, someone would be watching his bedroom? Lately the city was dangerous for people like him, there was much persecution, and murder against his, or even against the girls and boys from the streets.
He fell to the ground feeling the common pain of transformation, kneeling tried to maintain control, began to breathe slowly, keep the slower blood flow, to try to block the whole thing needed to get out, where were his clothes?
-My God! That hatred, my clothes, where are my fucking clothes?
He spoke through his teeth, trying to control himself, found his clothes stored in a small closet near the bedroom bathroom door, put them quickly anyway, opened the door a crack to see what the hospital corridor situation, as was the movement of people, closed the door again, searched for windows, saw that he could leave the windows began to open a to see if it yielded easily, but could get out there, but what if the saw out the windows? Better even the door, opened the door slowly, saw that the movement was small in the hospital corridor, tried to get out of ordinary way, disguising the pain already could control, walked slowly looking for an exit, found a side door with a distracted safely your cell phone, walked past him without him lifted his eyes to see who it was.

Sighed in relief, he was in the street, I knew I could not find him so easily.
Because Penny did not come to pick me up? Well, I do not know he showed up or not, just woke up now, those sons of bitches almost put an end to me, that bafon. I need to call her.

The couple was in search of his friend in the hospital. When they arrived, they were informed that he was no longer in the room, and no one could tell what had happened, she in turn, knew that he had fled a relief to know that he had woken up and realized the need to get out, to where he would have gone?
-Does He went home Eddie?
-Honey, let's calmly, the best thing to do is go back and wait for news, you know that it will make contact.
-Yes, let's go back, I'm worried.
-They took the car, when she was entering the car felt she was being watched, there was a guy across the street, a sinister kind, bald, big guy, she knew she had already seen where you? She tried to quickly enter the car. Old pictures came quickly causing chills, moments that she would not remember anymore.
-Let's leave soon, I'm too busy to stay here.
-Hey! Calm woman! What is it!
-Sorry, just go away. Every day this place is strange is not it?
-Get in the car, let's go home.
-Eddie, do you think were the faces of the church? Even at other times?
-Could be, I understand that their religion is already installed here in the city for some time.
-Does Came after us again?
-Probably, this will never end, know who created this mess does not care one bit of tidying things.
-Not Quite, things are not so simple.
-Well, you'll always be partial in relation to it does not it?
-Eddie said with an edge of anger and jealousy.
-The Question is not this simply is not anyone's fault, it was something that happened between them, and then the other one started it all ... all this madness ... a war.
-All Right, let's not discuss it because we will never have the same vision, it is impossible for me.
-Darling arrives, I need the Susy news.

Roberto tried to get around the more empty streets, knew his appearance drew attention, his face was full of bruises, swollen, trying to go unnoticed, it was not easy, he began to seek the peripheral streets, where people often not look twice at strange types for fear of being recognized.
Thanked the cold and the rain was constant in that city, I could curl up in a scarf that was found in the hospital and "had borrowed" it helped to better hide your face, there were still a few hours to dark, the night would be easier to walk without be seen, to know if she had wanted, or even if she was alive, remembered what had done to her, she took both, were three beating him if he was not mistaken. Trying to divert the attention of those guys from her friend, what they would not do with it and if caught they could take it? Will do it?
-I need to find that crack, I need to call her or to the guy. Started looking for a pay phone, your phone was not with her when things escaped from the hospital.
He found a pay phone, dialed, waited several rings, nobody answered. Despair.
-Oh fuck! If caught her, will force, will hurt for real, will be worse than before, I hope she has done better than me.

-Love, Give me your cell phone, I forgot my home.
-He searched the pockets of his leather jacket.
-Shit, did not bring mine too.
-Damn it Eddie, let's go home soon, to Susy is trying to communicate with us she'll be worried not knowing what's going on, he should be trying to connect the phone.
-Calm down, we're getting.
The nervousness was so intense that the couple could not talk, he drove nervously, she smoked a cigarette nearly crushing the filter between your fingers without realizing it, his hands were shaking. Eddie came home parked anyway the car, went almost running when Eddie was unlocking the door might notice a shadow in the trees, there was someone there, but made no comment so as not to alarm her even more.
-Well, lock the door dear, please, let all locked up, you can check the windows upstairs?
- Of course, be quiet, okay? It's okay closed, I took care of everything before we left, but I'll check again.
- Where's my phone, which is ...
She found the device in the kitchen on the counter near the stove, there were five calls from a number she did not recognize.
- Must be a number of pay phone, should be Susy.
He tried his phone, was played by there too, plus another amount of calls another number.
- He must be calling from different places to not stay long standing, and now, now what?  Susy, gives me a favor by new signal!
- It's all enclosed, locked properly, can stay quiet baby.
- Thank you, dear, she hugged him with fear, his body comfort it was a great relief to her, every time she suffered those transformations, everything was so sore and painful, every time, when the thing ended, her only refuge were the arms of his love, the strength of his affection, enough to cause her to again receive control.
- Thank you my love, thank you really for still being here with me, I confess that this time I am afraid, like never felt before, I saw a man watching us when we were leaving the hospital, I know you know, I've seen him before, he me looking straight in the eye, despite being of sunglasses, very sinister, they are near dear, very close ...
- Hey, calm, calm, it may have been a mess you're nervous scared. He knew she was right, he could still see the guy in the trees outside.
The night was coming, the news no, she was restless, walked from side to side, looking for something to distract, but nothing really absorbed his attention, took out a cigarette, went to the kitchen, used to smoke in the pantry when it was very cold to smoke on the balcony nervously lit a cigarette, the hand tremor was constant, she had noticed, thought it was a nervousness account, but it was a constant physical reaction a few days up here, took a shot of whiskey, to see if I could at least relieve tremor.
- You should not drink honey, should seek to use fewer drugs.
- I know that, but I also know I've never been a nun, and I need to relax a little, I want to see if this crap help me.
- Ok, come love, sit with me in the room, you can smoke there even gave one of his best smiles to break that tension, it seemed worked.
- My hands will not stop shaking, is an effect of all this shit?
- You probably know that the consequences are unknown, you know the price you are paying.
- I know, we sold our souls is not it? Or rather, she was kidnapped me.
- And now there is no other way exists?
- No, now there is yet another way.
-We have to keep the thing got out of hand because of those religious cursed, they are poisoning people, trying to make the time of barbarism back, want to dominate the fear, want to use "divine" power to control the mass fear, of course, is always the best way to control it are turning people into violent creatures, we have to try to eliminate these bastards.
- Sorry baby, he hugged her, but it's all so painful, so much suffering ... I do not get sick ... this struggle, all of this ... I'm sorry. He turned on his heel and went upstairs leaving her alone in the room that now seemed cold, isolated, she looked around and felt the ice, the tremor growing inside your body, the urge to cry and never stop, took another cigarette, he knew his body was suffering rampant destruction, a cigarette the most, would make no difference even.

Roberto finally come to the side of the famous district known to be prostitution area, where he knew the people who receive, they had everything ready for him always. Were transvestites who worked for trifles, most often had sex in exchange for a handful of "flour" smell, and did it all night, every time the dust ended, go in search of another customer willing to give them anything in exchange for a nickel or a little dust.
- Hey fagot, what they did to you? Ended up with the face of the beautiful, that beautiful has nothing, the group laughed, coexistence between the transvestites was cruel, because they lived on competition in the search for clients, but actually were a family, that ended up supporting their mode.
- Look fagot, I must stay here, took me hopeless, I can not go around giving the air of my grace.
Roberto had to make it appear to the group of transvestites, who had caught a group of men who were doing sex with him and using drugs, transvestites did not know quite what happened, if only because they would be in real danger if they knew something more and he would not put them at risk, were poor wretches, who dragged in life, depending on the powder undergoing sexual violence to get daily doses of drugs, that's what led to life, nothing else, offered no danger.
- Look fag
- we will go out to meet each bofes the avenue, you stay here, you dust it or not, has wine for lady upset all you want, is at ease.
- Thank you Margot, Mrs. destroys exchanged affectionate kisses, transvestites came out, mounted his flashy clothes cheap prostitutes, neither men nor women.
Roberto was there alone, was destroyed in a large old house, a sort of ancient ruin with several empty and unclean rooms, only a few spaces were occupied, there was a TV, a double bed with a mattress that stank of sweat and mildew , opened the small cabinet near the sink and found a box where her friend transvestite had indicated where it was dust, took the box, reached double row on the table by the bed, smelled the two with a cut straw, poured a glass of that wine cheap, began looking for cigarettes in an agitated manner, could not do without cigarettes now, but could not get out to get some, found a package in the same cabinet, good! Kindled in the stove, I had not seen the lighter.
The venom now circulating in your veins leaving him shaken and stunned, could only smoke and feel the chemistry shaking his body, the drug reacted violently, was more dangerous. Left the TV tuned in a musical clips canal, was going through a rock concert, I could lie down to let the whole thing circulating in the blood, more and more, every new shot fired.
The night went smoothly, despite the tension, she fell asleep, restless sleep, could rest. Woke up it was still early, his love slept peacefully, the sleep of pure, those who are light or angels, as she loved him!
Gently lifted the bed not to wake him down the stairs, the house was all dark except for the central corridor, she liked to keep lit for night orientation, as he liked to say. Walking around the house now, he realized he had not seen her cats yet, where would?
He went to the room, stood a while in the middle of that huge room not daring to move, felt right oppression coming from the windows, wanted to look outside, but did not dare, I was afraid to see someone watching the house. The intense cold of the season made her depressed, heard the rain falling constantly, began to approach the window, better not look.
He sat in that great cozy couch she had chosen to complete the decoration of the house he loved, the first house where he was truly happy where he could live with his love, without having someone living together, loved that place, sought their cigarettes, saw its magic box, yes, let him then his magic box was where he kept his tobacco, prepared its based, this thing had an awesome power to control and open your mind, used to use when he needed to go further, at other times like this night would be just to relax yourself, let the substance run in your blood to your wonderful calming effect intoxicating delight that she always liked that.
It was one of the few things she brought from the old country, where had needed from after Scott had appeared, his memories of that land were confusing and divergent, felt hatred and joy of those times, of his bizarre and harrowing childhood, then a controversial and rebellious adolescence, where it all began, the memories came back, wanted now enter the magical sleep, yes, delicious sleep that based provides ... .vou from to where no one can find me now, snuggled at the same couch, always had a blanket over there at that time, let dear, it's time to leave We need to talk now, was the voice she wanted to hear, that was waiting so, yes ... let's go ..fell a deep sleep.

Roberto decided he would be there, was away and quiet, would contact yes but needed a break, needed to see also what was happening, I knew that the people handling flow occurred more in poor and remote areas in third world countries mostly, but here in this city that had taken so long to learn to like and understand, had observed that there were mutations, involution occurred there he knew he needed information, I would give it a whirl, talk to the transvestites, whores street the trophic and see what rolled, knew all there was his natural environment, had come from a similar place to that in Brazil invariably headed there when he needed to hide or get information, was his favorite place, like true to see this thing in the underworld. People never understood when he spoke how much he loved to see everything, misery, poverty, violence, he loved it, for it was real life, was what moved his will, he enjoyed staying there days, drugging, pack some guys and have sex with one, or two, and forget what was coming, get that filthy protection.
Her friend was the only person who accepted without question, at first she avoided appearing with him in these places, he said he reminded her too much of Brazil, after she used to go with him there and made those filthy parties, spent days doing drugs, smoking drinking, she had not had sex with anyone, Penny was at that point very selective, like crazy and delicious men, so he had to admit, she always had the best, but after Eddie, she went on to not think about it, his madness was expressed in all that did not involve sex, he thought his friend was crazier than him at that point.
- So my dear! How long. Roberto was addressing a violent aspect of man, a drug dealer who was known to her, Roberto used to do sexual favors for him in exchange for drugs, sometimes in exchange for nothing at all, he liked without sex trade.
- Tell me, has appeared strange people around here?
-No, you do not, see if it brings me mess over here motherfucker.
-Easy Johnny, I do not bring anyone here you know, just that my friend.
-I know, that delight, for she walks? I wanted to get that blonde and give a fuck with her. Breaks this to your friend here huh fag, then I like you.
           -'My love, that crack is not like that, she has the craziness of it, but with bofe, she only has her nor dreams baby, her business here and only "disturbance", she comes here because here no one finds it.
-I know, but if I took it, fucking tasty, got horny when she see here, a cato hour it in a corner to force haha.
- Guarantee you'll regret it if you do Johnny. He laughed, just imagine what she could do with that traficantezinho shit if I did the mutation in front of him as he tried to rape her, it would be funny to see.
-Johnny, That our deal, if they appear here are different guys, you need to tell me or warn the blonde, understand?
-Yes, i understand, the hot already sent the money, as well as hot is rich, one day I'll get it for a joke.
-Forget it this face, this woman will never be yours, what the fuck.
-Stay Fag cold, I will not mess with your little friend, for now, I have a thing for her, but if I decide, I'll have it for real, no one will stop me.
-Oh yes, you know who, but she herself can answer that if I decide to attack, my dear.
Roberto has turned with his back to such a dealer, but was stopped by the same:
-What Are you trying to say with it its tail shit?
Roberto shook his head in an ironic and arrogant.
-Loose my arm! His shit, already felt the adrenaline is changing in the blood, increasing the pulse, the boy seemed to have noticed any changes to Roberto because began to loosen the grip on his arm reluctant to get so close so that gay so strange , that was the truth, Johnny always thought this very odd fag, from day one that had appeared, it was not like other circulating or living there, this was a more reserved type, silent, aggressive even, was smarter than others, not kept the streets making inexpensive programs for drugs.
He came from time to time, sought the usual place to stay and use their drugs, and it was a lot of drugs, that he knew, arranged some kids to have fun, he used to leave the tail suck your dick, it was good. But when the tail came with that friend, oh boy, the world stood still, after the woman? To this day he did not know, she sent money to them, a lot of money, so you protect your friend and herself, did not know anything about her, just coming to the district is stuck in that house, was days too, said she would be drugging together with fagots, he could not even imagine it, that princess, so serious, quiet, always half-hidden, he spoke only to some people, said she was louquíssima, Johnny could not believe she wanted, always wanted from day one.
-A Princess day ... one day ...
-Okay, man. Roberto cut your thoughts, I need to stay a few more days here, I can not get out, get me more dust, leaves there in the house, you know that's already included in the pay packet, do not you?
-I know yes, their dust in a momenre there.
-Thank you dear, if you can go there after also do a nice blowjob for you.
Now who turned and gone was the trafficker, Roberto decided to return to the house, I had to call her. He walked actually almost running, she was being watched, maybe not, maybe it was the scouts the streets. Arrived, he found the phone he had asked to be purchased, started dialing.
-Meets Splits, he grumbled, as he listened to the phone ring tone, attended.
-Susy! It was a cry of relief. I can not believe! Good, I was waiting for you, because it took so long, you do not know how and was desperate? Fuck! Why did not you call me before, what the fuck!
-Hey! What the fuck? Let me talk shit!
-Sorry, I'm desperately waiting for your contact.
-I know, let me talk'm here, you know, since the day I left that hospital paura I fled from there, I was afraid someone comes, who were they? You know? We need to talk about them, I'm here since that day, me "Barging"'m crazy, do not know how'm still alive, are you going to come? You'll need a few days here with me, will not give it to arrive and leave on the same day, it is risky.
-I'm going, yes, I'll meet you there, today, later, I will ask to Eddie let me closely, you will need to send the transvestites get me instead of always ok?
-Sure baby, as always, has refueled the hovel of "disturbance" the lady will disappear from the radar for a few days, his breeder warns it will take.
-It's already used to.
-Oh good! Until after then.
She felt suddenly tense, wondering who would have to tell your love would have to leave it for several days. He knew that this was happening, she had already done it numerous times, I was distressed to leave him, needed. Well, it was.
-Darling, the Suyi just called me.
-Ah finally, where is he?
-Where is always, in the ghetto, I will go there tonight.
-Why? Is it really necessary?
-I need after all that, to talk to him, we need to look and see what we do, and this can not be done here.
-And how will it be?
-Darling, as we have done every time
-Okay, you'll be out for how long?
The look he gave her when asked that question was so sad and tired that she almost cried.
-I do not know, days, maybe a week.
-Oh, how I hate all this! Eddie got up from the chair he was sitting, walked around the room, running her hands through her hair, so seductive, that simple gesture, she almost gave up everything just to look, but could not.
-Love, Look at me, she was at her side now, trying to look him straight in the eye, the only way he knew to leave it safe, was speaking directly to the eyes.
-Listen, I need, you know, I need to see Susy, and decide what do we do now that we found again, now the plot thickens again understand?
-Yes I know it dear, but I'm afraid for you.
-My Love. He said embracing it fondly.
- I'm more dangerous than all of them together, you know. He smiled without spirit,
-Yes, I know, but still, it's my girl.
-Stay Calm, there are safer than anywhere in this world, all that banditry protects us in the end.
-What Is nevertheless ironic, is not it?
-Yeah maybe, but long since stopped thinking about the irony of life, I will go up to take a shower, get precise, you take me then, instead of forever?
-I Hope here.
-She rose, her head was spinning, and now, what to do? To where they were going, they would have to leave that place? Bathed trying to enjoy the warmth of the water and not think about anything, just feel the comfort of the moment.
-Left home in a relaxed way, she carried nothing that would indicate a trip or delay in return, who would see that they were going out to dinner.
-How ever, we go to the market, go to the bathroom, the same scheme, the transvestites will be waiting for me.
-That's Right.
Already on the market, could not dismiss the way you would like, she just looked at him, tears flowed eyes of those she loved, her heart raced, horrible pain as he turned his back and left him without looking back like it was just a moment.
Outside, a car was waiting, she already knew, came in.
Hello girls, were two boys, soberly and elegantly dressed, the two were very beautiful, with fun flying.
- Splits, you took, we were getting beige with a delay, thinking that something had gone wrong.
-No, just could not separate me from Eddie ... too hard.
-Every time it is, relax, let's go, the lady will be so crazy now that will not even remember it. They laughed, trying to distract her from that situation was always tense for everyone. They were transvestites, who always helped her and Roberto, knew the risks, and rightfully so much liked to do all that, the money that rolled out, of course, always had plenty of money on the go and a lot of drugs. She knew very well manipulate everyone and everything around you. My God! How can I do this with all these people? I used to think that at certain times, fuck it, it's too late to think about it.
-Come on kids, let's play with adult jokes, she laughed, but really just wanted to be numb to think of Eddie, that was all he felt, pain. The pain of remembering those eyes in the market begging so changes so she would not leave him again.
Got where Roberto was waiting for them, the place looked even slightly tidy, smelled unless she could remember, things were less dirty. Roberto realized that his friend looked around noticing it, and as he walked her to the embrace as expected, said:
-Find a little, for you do not feel so bad, and hugged her tightly, almost in tears of despair.
-Susy! My dear, I needed so much to see you, see how he was, because it took so long to make contact?
-She could not leave her friend, as if it would guarantee that he would not leave her side anymore.
-Dear, When I left the hospital, was all broken, a terrible thing to see, you have to come hiding, not to attract attention, look at me, I'm still black and blue, he showed his face bruised her friend, broken teeth, swollen eyes.
-Let's fix that need your face baby.
-Yes we will, but we'll talk about everything, now we have our friends here, let's do a little party to celebrate, right girls?
-Sure! They said the two transvestites in unison, they were all eager to start.
Roberto went to the cupboard, took a beautiful wooden box carved, inside it was a bag of powder in an amount sufficient to days of consumption, he began to stretch several white careers in a glass tray that had bought it specifically all began to get restless before you even start to suck that poison, each had himself a cut straw to customize the use of the substance. It was the last, everyone was with cigarettes, wine glasses in hand talking about everything and nothing, she looked so stretched that white line, and seemed indecisive,
-What Is it, do not you?
-Is this not, I was just thinking, ducked and once aspired all, to raise his head, his gaze had already acquired a fierce glare, had forgotten his love, now was that evil creature of fact, did not have to control.
-A Cigarette.
-Here, His glass of wine, the strangest of the whole scene, that miserable ruin, which despite being a large place, extremely poor, she had sent them to buy, crystal glasses, small glass trays, small things she He liked to wear even when his mind was projected elsewhere. He smoked his cigarette disconnected form actually was not thinking about anything.
-Makes the other for me.
-To All of us dear.
-All followed by a new round of dust.
-How are things here?
-By far so good, already probed everything, talked to those in need, that's okay, they will not find us here, did not know this place is quiet.
-I hope so, pull from that day, I do not have a second's peace, can not sleep, what happened? I do not remember, after they surrounded us, I do not remember anything else, only then when they were taking you to ambulance mess.
-More Shot?
-Well, do not say I know exactly what happened, I got both of those sons of bitches, if the police had not come out of nowhere, I do not know.
-Well, now we can not talk very much with our visits, they are calling us, we will.
-Were to meet the other two transvestites in another room, began conversations meaningless in most meaningless, all fully affected by the drug, all with that grotesque twinkle in his eye.
-Fag, I need to have sex, you know how I get when I'm "perturbed" going away "hunt down a breeder.
-I'm going with you, I'm also wondering, in fact it's time for us to work does not it darling?
-The other travesty began to pick up their coats and gather their things to leave.
-Girls, thank you once again.
-You Can count on us, the lady is a scandal, they laughed nervously.
-Give to him a little powder to take them.
Already with them.
- Okay.
-Soon dear, parted with quick kisses, stiff movements, and forced smiles because of the chemical effects of the drug.
-Even though they were, I need you to call him here.
-The Lady is serious? And his beloved Eddie?
-One Thing has nothing to do with it, Eddie is not part of it, you know that "he" is part of our life and how I need.
-Yeah I know, it should come soon, I knew I was going to ask me that, I'll leave two bofinhos arranged to meet, I will "do" them. We came a knock at the door.
She felt her heart skip rampant, it was Scott, he was a monster like her who lived there longer than her as a monster, a wonderful man, physically so sexy, with a body so deliciously perfect, full of tattoos, glare so fierce behavior as his eyes with a husky, seductive voice, it was so powerful and evil as her, and she needed him as much as he her, he was its creator, so to speak, her Roberto and his brother.
-Hello Scott.
-Hello, he approached her and has held her by the waist as she pulled her hair tightly kissing her, it made her mad, he was violent, and that she loved, was completely submissive, he knew that was what she liked. After kissing her tightly and leave it alight ready to jump on him, he let go, went to the table, stretched, four shots cocaine, inhaled two, offered her, which she accepted, returned the kiss -la, already taking off his clothes, she was ready.
Scott stuck his hand between her legs and felt that she was completely wet, gave a cynical smile,
-Ready, as I like.
She could not speak, such is the excitement that was dominating.
He threw the mattress, finishing plucking her panties and began to rub her, she almost screamed with delight, and saw him opening his pants, already shirtless, that perfect body, her poor face the maddened, Scott turned to back force, very open her legs and penetrated her violently, she screamed, he groaned, so like, and penetrating continued with increasing force, she thought she was going to die there, finally he slowed the pace a little, left inside, up, went up to it and returned to the powder tray, stretched several careers of the drug, and left on the bed, turning to grab her tightly, she was on all fours on the bed, he forced her head against bed crushing.
-Snort, Bitch.
Scott pulled her by the hair, still inside her, penetrating without stopping forced to smell the powder, it was too good, she felt she would burst with pleasure, violence Scott was frightening, and she loved it, I never knew what wait.
-Snort another, come, snort
Being penetrated hard, he stretched the dust on his back and smelled her body without taking his cock inside, she would go mad as it was all good, he finally forced her to suck it until he enjoyed in his mouth and forced her to swallow everything, she almost fainted then, no one could do anything like that, she was addicted to this violence.
Scott got out of bed, put on his pants, sexy and distracted way, went to the table, prepared more dust careers, aspired two more, took the tray to the filthy mattress where she was still stretched, exhausted and broken, delighted with the that brutal violence and beautiful man, he practically forced her to smell the powder, she blindly obeyed, it was always like that, if he forced her to crawl across the floor to lick their shoes she would, without thinking, the pleasure she felt in to undergo it was inexplicable, and he had full control of that fact, so always acted in brutal and domineering way he liked it, dominate people was an art he performed very well.
Scott, was not limited to gender, he appreciated the beauty, the power to dominate the creatures, like men and women, but she, for centuries was their special protected creature, that he would crush if I could, because just as He liked to hurt her, liked yet to see the pleasure she felt being with him.
-So Girl, he lit a cigarette, it was almost obscene doing this, she already felt like fucking him again.
-What Happens, time to escape again? Problems? And that your cute little toy? When you go I borrow it for a while?
-Stop it, you will never touch your fingers on it, they referred to Eddie, you know.
-I know, yes, he smiled arrogant, he's your particular toy, I would do some damage with it.
-Stop About it! She was angry for real, could not accept that Scott was referring to his love that was so common form, she lived with him had nothing to do with all this junk, it really could not imagine or dream what really happened, all violence, all drugs, sex, mixtures, changes, it was only a superficial view of things, but never witnessed this part, ever.
-Forget it, my question to you is another, never touch in his name.
-I know delight, he pulled her by the hair tightly, it was enough to make her fully aroused, he ran his tongue over her breasts, she thought she would go mad, his breath began to accelerate, she realized violence accumulating it, and that made her even more mad, the painful bites that was beginning to feel her breasts were enough for her to be ready again.
-Completely obedient now understand? I spoke to forcing to the ground, pulling her hair tightly.
-Again, a delicious rough sex.

sábado, 20 de maio de 2017

Era música esperando ser escutada..acordes agudos com guitarras ensurdecedoras, sopros e teclados.
Por vezes apenas uma doce sinfonia em delírio perturbador...era música e queria ser tocada...engolida e aspirada... todos surdos porém....olhando reto, sem vida..morreu sem refrão...sem o toque generoso de mãos fortes.
Morreu sem o arrepio das primeiras notas que faziam disparar o coração.
Era música e queria ter sido escutada.....agora dispersa em moléculas invisíveis...chorava vagando pelo éter escuro e sombrio.
Sem notas...sem flores que pudessem acolher sua melodia.

quarta-feira, 3 de maio de 2017

De cores intensas
Fantasia dourada.
Realidade cruel sem cores, de um cinza amargo.
Olhos que veem o que desejam, sem observar paralelos de universos tristonhos.
Bocas, línguas.
Tamanha intensidade de amor.
por seus sabores, suas almas
Fantasia amarga,
Veja apenas o lado da sedução,
feche os olhos nas entrelinhas.
Imagens de delícias, fechadas em quartos secretos,
segredos guardados.
Entre goles, suspiros,
realidade mórbida, suave, de cores mais fortes não contadas.

segunda-feira, 1 de maio de 2017

Intense color
Golden fantasy.
Cruel reality without colors, of a bitter gray.
Eyes that see what they want, without observing parallels of sad universes.
Mouths, tongues.
Such intensity of love.
 For their tastes, their souls
Bitter fantasy,
Just look at the seduction side,
Close your eyes between the lines.
do not.
Images of delights, closed in secret rooms,
Secrets kept.
Between goals, sighs,
Morbid reality, soft, of stronger colors not counted.

domingo, 16 de abril de 2017


My torn flesh,
Eyes glazed, remains of someone who passed.
It's love.
In the dark remembering, trying to forget.
Nothing is enough to numb me.
My great love.
If it was between screams and despair, I rejoiced with deep hatred.
I wrote with tears, words of crystal.
I curled up in soft thorns, which penetrated so madly painful.
My love.
Confused, distant, eternal.
Behind the doors I cried, I asked to die.
Without goodbye, without looking.
Every day my coffee is bitter,
Bitter of love.
From dream, cobalt blue dream, dream that veins killed,
Dream of bodies in the snow,
Gray love that burns.
Badly made poem of love.

quinta-feira, 6 de abril de 2017


Certainly a place where there is no more hope, where everything seems strange and out of place. A city called in between clouds, a place not to venture. Through the golden streets, in a gray gold that hurts, the eyes do not rise, and battles have no meaning, only revenge. Magical creatures that populate the place live in the dark, can not More walking, now the steps are insecure and frightened, quick steps to wherever it is, do not waste time in small amusements or conversations, talking is dangerous. Not only the walls have ears, in Oz, even the light poles have them. Shadows are the best companions, we do not want to be seen, we do not look straight into the eyes, it can be dangerous. In the darker of the nights, they are on the loose, masked monsters decimating who crosses their path, with fireballs that, hurled, destroy everything Around them and leave lost souls wandering crying, they look for something, they do not remember more. The magicians of Oz, are cruel, have gifts to modify facts, can even manipulate time, can make bodies disappear, or can create fearful stories Of horror, can look into their eyes with evil smiles. They delight in seeing the fear, they make you walk down the brick road, but there certainly will not find the city of emeralds, the precious emeralds, burned slowly, doing their work in minds, teaching to think, were taken away, now the magicians They control everything, at night on their sliding machines, with magical weapons of destruction, they destroy the city, we lose the peace. This city lost in the clouds can not exist, there are no humans there, mythological creatures populate the place, harpies with ferocious beaks , Basilisks with eyes of fire and gigantic teeth, guard the gates, no one enters, no one leaves, all in silence, without smiling or moaning, accepting and obeying. We wait for the hurricane, perhaps bring someone, who in his fury can drag us Also, we hope that the magicians lose their powers, we wait for the witches, the powerful witches, who clean and bring light, coming from the east or the west, witches who bring us love. The city of Oz, lost in the middle of nowhere , He is afraid of his streets, he is afraid of his stones, he prefers not to resist. He feels the pain and bleeds, he hides himself and spies, he knows the evil, he knows their faces, he is silent and he hopes, someone will someday come.

domingo, 2 de abril de 2017

I feed on the universe.
I complete myself.
In golden gulps, I swallow galaxies.
Between cracks and dimensions I see
An emptiness, sometimes destructive.
I walk through doors.
Ethereal steps.

Me alimento do universo.
Me completo.
Em goles dourados, engulo galáxias.
Entre frestas e dimensões eu enxergo
um vazio, por vezes destruidor.
Atravesso portas.
Passos etéreos.

sábado, 25 de março de 2017

Do not cling to me,
I might want to stay.
I can wish for your arms again,
Your false words spoken in the dark.
Do not cling to me,
I'm frail, I might want to run away.
I can desire the love that does not exist,
I can among the ashes of my existence want to rise again.
Do not cling to me, I do not exist,
Between dimensions I am an illusion.
Do not cling to my cigarettes, to the swearing I spit.
Do not say you like it,
A meaningless lie.
Do not cling to me, for between bottles of cheap wine I drown,
Between shadows and circle lights, in the undergrounds of hell,
  In the sweet clouds of the sky.
I no longer cling to the dream of one day feeling the heat.
My mouth shut, my eyes hiding.
Do not cling to me.
Não te apegues a mim, 
posso querer ficar.
Posso desejar novamente teus braços,
tuas palavras falsas ditas no escuro.
Não te apegues a mim, 
sou frágil, posso querer fugir.
Posso desejar o amor que não existe,
posso entre as cinzas da minha existência querer ressurgir.
Não te apegues a mim, não existo de fato,
entre dimensões sou ilusão.
Não te apegues aos meus cigarros, aos palavrões que eu cuspo.
Não diga que gostaria,
uma mentira sem sentido.
Não te apegues a mim, porque entre garrafas de vinho barato me afogo,
entre sombras e luzes circulo, nos subterrâneos do inferno,
 nas doces nuvens do céu.
Não me apego mais ao sonho de uma dia sentir o calor.
Minha boca calada, meus olhos que escondem.
Não te apegues a mim.

terça-feira, 21 de março de 2017



The sirens blaring, rain, confusion, fallen man, wounded, blood being washed the sky, sitting on the curb, watching others, the drained hair on the face, dirty, full of scratches, cold, people talking around. Could not hear anything only the tumult, like a huge buzz even more stunning your aching head.
Saw it rise up the body on the stretcher, drenched in blood and rain, what happened really? The pain throughout body beginning to increase because of the cold, someone was speaking directly to her, could not pay attention, what happened there? Because they were taking the man in an ambulance?
Paramedics were asking something, she could not understand, just stared at the man who spoke and did not know why they were there or what had happened, why they were there? Was it really him she was seeing there, lying now in the ambulance receiving first aid? Your Friend.
Curious passed and stopped to observe, through the police and rescuers confusion.
- It must be a dream wake up soon.
Some images appeared in flashes in his head, screaming, people running, all very confusing, nothing made sense, then everything disappeared and she came back and watch the people around him talking, talking, and there it blankly, felt pain throughout the body, someone put a blanket around her shoulders, trying to lift her, she wanted to ask where they were going because it was there, but could not speak, I felt so much headache, had blood on his hands.
He woke up at home, Eddie sitting in an armchair next to the bed where she lay.
Ah! Woke up, what was that all about? What happened this time?
-Where Is he?
-In The hospital, badly hurt, teeth pulled, one of the badly damaged eyes, and worst of all, the cuts on his wrists, was a violent attack.
 -I Can not even remember the right things ... I'm all sore ... I took too?
 -Oh fuck! How do I know? I only seek you, again talking to me, do not you?
 -Actually no ... my head ....
 I think you took some blows as well, what you were doing? Where they were going? That fag caused it?
-To Talking like that of Susy.
In fact she had passed was far greater than your mind could remember, perhaps the fear and the pain had blocked, had used the drug, and the effects were always a surprise, did not want to remember, every time was like.
After so long, the use of what already was a painful and distressing change, the psychological reactions were not the worst, physical mutation was the most difficult thing that it caused and in a certain way, a satisfaction that can not be described.
Only this time there was an oversight of the two, as they learned who they were, or that outside casual confrontation of common bandits?
His body was full of bruises, so much pain he could barely move, had some broken nails, realized that tufts of hair had been pulled, the head appeared to have been beaten to the ground several times, as well as possible.
Eddie approached her very angry and held her by the arms.
-More What the fuck! You will never stop this madness! Why? Continue this until when? Have you ever thought what will they do with you and now you know where we are going to start all over again ....
 - Calm honey, let's be more careful now.
-Now? Damn, you saw the state of that fag? We saw what they did to him? It was close, for very little this time.
-I know, do not really know, do not remember, do not know why this time I can not remember.
-Maybe some new effect of this shit.
-Could be, who knows ... I need some sleep, you can make all the dark?
-I need to leave, I will let you rest, try to put your head in dear place, this can not go on like this, things will get out of control, think about it.
She hugged him lovingly and kissed him with love, but she could see that her beautiful blue eyes were sadder than usual, eyes, which were for her a deep mirror of the soul of the man she loved so much, I loved more than anything. Let him leave.
He fell into a dreamless sleep, heavy and dark like that room.
When he woke up, no longer had sense of time, Eddie was there, as always, he smiled,
-Good Afternoon dear!
His smile was so charming that she could not help thinking with pain because he was doing all that because I could not leave all that aside madness, and live with his love only? The madness was part of his love, and he knew it too, maybe he loved her all this madness, and they lived together before, strange things, could no longer entertain a de facto separation. She wondered if he really loved her, or if only I used to take care of her as an older brother, thinking it was painful, imagine that your love was less made her suffer more than he could endure. His love for Eddie was intense.
-Made coffee dear, you hungry?
-I'm starving, how long did I sleep?
-Almost three days.
-All this?  Wow! This time exhausted everything he had even said it with a smile unmotivated.
-Yes, you risk unnecessarily.
-You Know it's not true, because I know I submit to it all.
Yeah I know, but you really believe it will be able to continue? Do you think you still need all this, all this pain, especially since the largest harmed are you?
-Yes, actually we were the losers larger and need to end all this, you can not think I could live all this shit with that memory punishing me, reducing me every time, you know that every time is more painful and dangerous You do not know?
-Darling ...
-Please do not ask me to stop now after all ... please ... I can not, now we can balance ourselves with this fucking shit ...
-Balance? Look what you spend each time you use this shit, all this pain, this horrible thing, you can call balance?
-From A way, yes, we have evolved a lot, do not you think?
-Yes, but every day it all gets worse, and the risks increase and you expose yourself, unnecessarily.
-All I do need love. Fanatics out there, every day increasing, like rats.
-Okay. Let's eat, let this matter and then then. Are you okay to go down?
-Yeah, I'm just in pain in the body of the blows I think, but I can go down.
Down to the meal.
Until with relish, eggs, orange juice, he had even bought chocolate cake for her, I knew to be her favorite. She still heartily, then went to the balcony of the house and lit a cigarette, smoked quietly, as if his life were that quiet and happy thing that time, wanted everything to sum up just so he could rest his head on your lap Love and be at peace and that all pain and memories that were so difficult load alone vanished forever
-Darling, to which led to Susy?
-I think that went to University Hospital because you are wanting to go there?
-Sure, I need to see it, knowing exactly what happened, check on him, see what he can remember, who were those guys do not know, need to know why they wanted to get us, if they were who I'm thinking.
-Yes dear, go to the hospital, you want to take a bath? If remake first?
-I think I'm in a terrible state does not it?
-They both laughed, because she really was not very stimulating aspect. He finished his cigarette, rose and went straight stop the shower for a long hot bath and relaxing, really needed it.
At the hospital he was already awake with a start, the body aches, the needles stuck in his arms, the noise of the machines monitoring his body left him more frightened still, he was alone in a ward or ICU, did not know what it was, his real name was Roberto, but being homosexual throughout their lives received various nicknames and Susy was one of the most used even for him.
Knew  needed to get out of hospital quickly,  could not let them do deeper examinations in their blood, or anything more comprehensive, which could identify any anomalies, began to pluck the needles, jumped up, dropped the small bedside table that was on the side the bed, which made him even more frightened, his despair was such that he began to feel the metamorphosis of pain beginning, could not happen here at all, cold sweat, violent rage surfacing, could feel the skin tugging, not could not believe that was going to happen there, it was not possible, how long would that place? Does anyone know he was in that hospital, someone would be watching his bedroom? Lately the city was dangerous for people like him, there was much persecution, and murder against his, or even against the girls and boys from the streets.
He fell to the ground feeling the common pain of transformation, kneeling tried to maintain control, began to breathe slowly, keep the slower blood flow, to try to block the whole thing needed to get out, where were his clothes?
-My God! That hatred, my clothes, where are my fucking clothes?
He spoke through his teeth, trying to control himself, found his clothes stored in a small closet near the bedroom bathroom door, put them quickly anyway, opened the door a crack to see what the hospital corridor situation, as was the movement of people, closed the door again, searched for windows, saw that he could leave the windows began to open a to see if it yielded easily, but could get out there, but what if the saw out the windows? Better even the door, opened the door slowly, saw that the movement was small in the hospital corridor, tried to get out of ordinary way, disguising the pain already could control, walked slowly looking for an exit, found a side door with a distracted safely your cell phone, walked past him without him lifted his eyes to see who it was.

Sighed in relief, he was in the street, I knew I could not find him so easily.
Because Penny did not come to pick me up? Well, I do not know he showed up or not, just woke up now, those sons of bitches almost put an end to me, that bafon. I need to call her.

The couple was in search of his friend in the hospital. When they arrived, they were informed that he was no longer in the room, and no one could tell what had happened, she in turn, knew that he had fled a relief to know that he had woken up and realized the need to get out, to where he would have gone?
-Does He went home Eddie?
-Honey, let's calmly, the best thing to do is go back and wait for news, you know that it will make contact.
-Yes, let's go back, I'm worried.
-They took the car, when she was entering the car felt she was being watched, there was a guy across the street, a sinister kind, bald, big guy, she knew she had already seen where you? She tried to quickly enter the car. Old pictures came quickly causing chills, moments that she would not remember anymore.
-Let's leave soon, I'm too busy to stay here.
-Hey! Calm woman! What is it!
-Sorry, just go away. Every day this place is strange is not it?
-Get in the car, let's go home.
-Eddie, do you think were the faces of the church? Even at other times?
-Could be, I understand that their religion is already installed here in the city for some time.
-Does Came after us again?
-Probably, this will never end, know who created this mess does not care one bit of tidying things.
-Not Quite, things are not so simple.
-Well, you'll always be partial in relation to it does not it?
-Eddie said with an edge of anger and jealousy.
-The Question is not this simply is not anyone's fault, it was something that happened between them, and then the other one started it all ... all this madness ... a war.
-All Right, let's not discuss it because we will never have the same vision, it is impossible for me.
-Darling arrives, I need the Susy news.

Roberto tried to get around the more empty streets, knew his appearance drew attention, his face was full of bruises, swollen, trying to go unnoticed, it was not easy, he began to seek the peripheral streets, where people often not look twice at strange types for fear of being recognized.
Thanked the cold and the rain was constant in that city, I could curl up in a scarf that was found in the hospital and "had borrowed" it helped to better hide your face, there were still a few hours to dark, the night would be easier to walk without be seen, to know if she had wanted, or even if she was alive, remembered what had done to her, she took both, were three beating him if he was not mistaken. Trying to divert the attention of those guys from her friend, what they would not do with it and if caught they could take it? Will do it?
-I need to find that crack, I need to call her or to the guy. Started looking for a pay phone, your phone was not with her when things escaped from the hospital.
He found a pay phone, dialed, waited several rings, nobody answered. Despair.
-Oh fuck! If caught her, will force, will hurt for real, will be worse than before, I hope she has done better than me.

-Love, Give me your cell phone, I forgot my home.
-He searched the pockets of his leather jacket.
-Shit, did not bring mine too.
-Damn it Eddie, let's go home soon, to Susy is trying to communicate with us she'll be worried not knowing what's going on, he should be trying to connect the phone.
-Calm down, we're getting.
The nervousness was so intense that the couple could not talk, he drove nervously, she smoked a cigarette nearly crushing the filter between your fingers without realizing it, his hands were shaking. Eddie came home parked anyway the car, went almost running when Eddie was unlocking the door might notice a shadow in the trees, there was someone there, but made no comment so as not to alarm her even more.
-Well, lock the door dear, please, let all locked up, you can check the windows upstairs?
- Of course, be quiet, okay? It's okay closed, I took care of everything before we left, but I'll check again.
- Where's my phone, which is ...
She found the device in the kitchen on the counter near the stove, there were five calls from a number she did not recognize.
- Must be a number of pay phone, should be Susy.
He tried his phone, was played by there too, plus another amount of calls another number.
- He must be calling from different places to not stay long standing, and now, now what?  Susy, gives me a favor by new signal!
- It's all enclosed, locked properly, can stay quiet baby.
- Thank you, dear, she hugged him with fear, his body comfort it was a great relief to her, every time she suffered those transformations, everything was so sore and painful, every time, when the thing ended, her only refuge were the arms of his love, the strength of his affection, enough to cause her to again receive control.
- Thank you my love, thank you really for still being here with me, I confess that this time I am afraid, like never felt before, I saw a man watching us when we were leaving the hospital, I know you know, I've seen him before, he me looking straight in the eye, despite being of sunglasses, very sinister, they are near dear, very close ...
- Hey, calm, calm, it may have been a mess you're nervous scared. He knew she was right, he could still see the guy in the trees outside.
The night was coming, the news no, she was restless, walked from side to side, looking for something to distract, but nothing really absorbed his attention, took out a cigarette, went to the kitchen, used to smoke in the pantry when it was very cold to smoke on the balcony nervously lit a cigarette, the hand tremor was constant, she had noticed, thought it was a nervousness account, but it was a constant physical reaction a few days up here, took a shot of whiskey, to see if I could at least relieve tremor.
- You should not drink honey, should seek to use fewer drugs.
- I know that, but I also know I've never been a nun, and I need to relax a little, I want to see if this crap help me.
- Ok, come love, sit with me in the room, you can smoke there even gave one of his best smiles to break that tension, it seemed worked.
- My hands will not stop shaking, is an effect of all this shit?
- You probably know that the consequences are unknown, you know the price you are paying.
- I know, we sold our souls is not it? Or rather, she was kidnapped me.
- And now there is no other way exists?
- No, now there is yet another way.
-We have to keep the thing got out of hand because of those religious cursed, they are poisoning people, trying to make the time of barbarism back, want to dominate the fear, want to use "divine" power to control the mass fear, of course, is always the best way to control it are turning people into violent creatures, we have to try to eliminate these bastards.
- Sorry baby, he hugged her, but it's all so painful, so much suffering ... I do not get sick ... this struggle, all of this ... I'm sorry. He turned on his heel and went upstairs leaving her alone in the room that now seemed cold, isolated, she looked around and felt the ice, the tremor growing inside your body, the urge to cry and never stop, took another cigarette, he knew his body was suffering rampant destruction, a cigarette the most, would make no difference even.

Roberto finally come to the side of the famous district known to be prostitution area, where he knew the people who receive, they had everything ready for him always. Were transvestites who worked for trifles, most often had sex in exchange for a handful of "flour" smell, and did it all night, every time the dust ended, go in search of another customer willing to give them anything in exchange for a nickel or a little dust.
- Hey fagot, what they did to you? Ended up with the face of the beautiful, that beautiful has nothing, the group laughed, coexistence between the transvestites was cruel, because they lived on competition in the search for clients, but actually were a family, that ended up supporting their mode.
- Look fagot, I must stay here, took me hopeless, I can not go around giving the air of my grace.
Roberto had to make it appear to the group of transvestites, who had caught a group of men who were doing sex with him and using drugs, transvestites did not know quite what happened, if only because they would be in real danger if they knew something more and he would not put them at risk, were poor wretches, who dragged in life, depending on the powder undergoing sexual violence to get daily doses of drugs, that's what led to life, nothing else, offered no danger.
- Look fag
- we will go out to meet each bofes the avenue, you stay here, you dust it or not, has wine for lady upset all you want, is at ease.
- Thank you Margot, Mrs. destroys exchanged affectionate kisses, transvestites came out, mounted his flashy clothes cheap prostitutes, neither men nor women.
Roberto was there alone, was destroyed in a large old house, a sort of ancient ruin with several empty and unclean rooms, only a few spaces were occupied, there was a TV, a double bed with a mattress that stank of sweat and mildew , opened the small cabinet near the sink and found a box where her friend transvestite had indicated where it was dust, took the box, reached double row on the table by the bed, smelled the two with a cut straw, poured a glass of that wine cheap, began looking for cigarettes in an agitated manner, could not do without cigarettes now, but could not get out to get some, found a package in the same cabinet, good! Kindled in the stove, I had not seen the lighter.
The venom now circulating in your veins leaving him shaken and stunned, could only smoke and feel the chemistry shaking his body, the drug reacted violently, was more dangerous. Left the TV tuned in a musical clips canal, was going through a rock concert, I could lie down to let the whole thing circulating in the blood, more and more, every new shot fired.
The night went smoothly, despite the tension, she fell asleep, restless sleep, could rest. Woke up it was still early, his love slept peacefully, the sleep of pure, those who are light or angels, as she loved him!
Gently lifted the bed not to wake him down the stairs, the house was all dark except for the central corridor, she liked to keep lit for night orientation, as he liked to say. Walking around the house now, he realized he had not seen her cats yet, where would?
He went to the room, stood a while in the middle of that huge room not daring to move, felt right oppression coming from the windows, wanted to look outside, but did not dare, I was afraid to see someone watching the house. The intense cold of the season made her depressed, heard the rain falling constantly, began to approach the window, better not look.
He sat in that great cozy couch she had chosen to complete the decoration of the house he loved, the first house where he was truly happy where he could live with his love, without having someone living together, loved that place, sought their cigarettes, saw its magic box, yes, let him then his magic box was where he kept his tobacco, prepared its based, this thing had an awesome power to control and open your mind, used to use when he needed to go further, at other times like this night would be just to relax yourself, let the substance run in your blood to your wonderful calming effect intoxicating delight that she always liked that.
It was one of the few things she brought from the old country, where had needed from after Scott had appeared, his memories of that land were confusing and divergent, felt hatred and joy of those times, of his bizarre and harrowing childhood, then a controversial and rebellious adolescence, where it all began, the memories came back, wanted now enter the magical sleep, yes, delicious sleep that based provides ... .vou from to where no one can find me now, snuggled at the same couch, always had a blanket over there at that time, let dear, it's time to leave We need to talk now, was the voice she wanted to hear, that was waiting so, yes ... let's go ..fell a deep sleep.

Roberto decided he would be there, was away and quiet, would contact yes but needed a break, needed to see also what was happening, I knew that the people handling flow occurred more in poor and remote areas in third world countries mostly, but here in this city that had taken so long to learn to like and understand, had observed that there were mutations, involution occurred there he knew he needed information, I would give it a whirl, talk to the transvestites, whores street the trophic and see what rolled, knew all there was his natural environment, had come from a similar place to that in Brazil invariably headed there when he needed to hide or get information, was his favorite place, like true to see this thing in the underworld. People never understood when he spoke how much he loved to see everything, misery, poverty, violence, he loved it, for it was real life, was what moved his will, he enjoyed staying there days, drugging, pack some guys and have sex with one, or two, and forget what was coming, get that filthy protection.
Her friend was the only person who accepted without question, at first she avoided appearing with him in these places, he said he reminded her too much of Brazil, after she used to go with him there and made those filthy parties, spent days doing drugs, smoking drinking, she had not had sex with anyone, Penny was at that point very selective, like crazy and delicious men, so he had to admit, she always had the best, but after Eddie, she went on to not think about it, his madness was expressed in all that did not involve sex, he thought his friend was crazier than him at that point.
- So my dear! How long. Roberto was addressing a violent aspect of man, a drug dealer who was known to her, Roberto used to do sexual favors for him in exchange for drugs, sometimes in exchange for nothing at all, he liked without sex trade.
- Tell me, has appeared strange people around here?
-No, you do not, see if it brings me mess over here motherfucker.
-Easy Johnny, I do not bring anyone here you know, just that my friend.
-I know, that delight, for she walks? I wanted to get that blonde and give a fuck with her. Breaks this to your friend here huh fag, then I like you.
           -'My love, that crack is not like that, she has the craziness of it, but with bofe, she only has her nor dreams baby, her business here and only "disturbance", she comes here because here no one finds it.
-I know, but if I took it, fucking tasty, got horny when she see here, a cato hour it in a corner to force haha.
- Guarantee you'll regret it if you do Johnny. He laughed, just imagine what she could do with that traficantezinho shit if I did the mutation in front of him as he tried to rape her, it would be funny to see.
-Johnny, That our deal, if they appear here are different guys, you need to tell me or warn the blonde, understand?
-Yes, i understand, the hot already sent the money, as well as hot is rich, one day I'll get it for a joke.
-Forget it this face, this woman will never be yours, what the fuck.
-Stay Fag cold, I will not mess with your little friend, for now, I have a thing for her, but if I decide, I'll have it for real, no one will stop me.
-Oh yes, you know who, but she herself can answer that if I decide to attack, my dear.
Roberto has turned with his back to such a dealer, but was stopped by the same:
-What Are you trying to say with it its tail shit?
Roberto shook his head in an ironic and arrogant.
-Loose my arm! His shit, already felt the adrenaline is changing in the blood, increasing the pulse, the boy seemed to have noticed any changes to Roberto because began to loosen the grip on his arm reluctant to get so close so that gay so strange , that was the truth, Johnny always thought this very odd fag, from day one that had appeared, it was not like other circulating or living there, this was a more reserved type, silent, aggressive even, was smarter than others, not kept the streets making inexpensive programs for drugs.
He came from time to time, sought the usual place to stay and use their drugs, and it was a lot of drugs, that he knew, arranged some kids to have fun, he used to leave the tail suck your dick, it was good. But when the tail came with that friend, oh boy, the world stood still, after the woman? To this day he did not know, she sent money to them, a lot of money, so you protect your friend and herself, did not know anything about her, just coming to the district is stuck in that house, was days too, said she would be drugging together with fagots, he could not even imagine it, that princess, so serious, quiet, always half-hidden, he spoke only to some people, said she was louquíssima, Johnny could not believe she wanted, always wanted from day one.
-A Princess day ... one day ...
-Okay, man. Roberto cut your thoughts, I need to stay a few more days here, I can not get out, get me more dust, leaves there in the house, you know that's already included in the pay packet, do not you?
-I know yes, their dust in a momenre there.
-Thank you dear, if you can go there after also do a nice blowjob for you.
Now who turned and gone was the trafficker, Roberto decided to return to the house, I had to call her. He walked actually almost running, she was being watched, maybe not, maybe it was the scouts the streets. Arrived, he found the phone he had asked to be purchased, started dialing.
-Meets Splits, he grumbled, as he listened to the phone ring tone, attended.
-Susy! It was a cry of relief. I can not believe! Good, I was waiting for you, because it took so long, you do not know how and was desperate? Fuck! Why did not you call me before, what the fuck!
-Hey! What the fuck? Let me talk shit!
-Sorry, I'm desperately waiting for your contact.
-I know, let me talk'm here, you know, since the day I left that hospital paura I fled from there, I was afraid someone comes, who were they? You know? We need to talk about them, I'm here since that day, me "Barging"'m crazy, do not know how'm still alive, are you going to come? You'll need a few days here with me, will not give it to arrive and leave on the same day, it is risky.
-I'm going, yes, I'll meet you there, today, later, I will ask to Eddie let me closely, you will need to send the transvestites get me instead of always ok?
-Sure baby, as always, has refueled the hovel of "disturbance" the lady will disappear from the radar for a few days, his breeder warns it will take.
-It's already used to.
-Oh good! Until after then.
She felt suddenly tense, wondering who would have to tell your love would have to leave it for several days. He knew that this was happening, she had already done it numerous times, I was distressed to leave him, needed. Well, it was.
-Darling, the Suyi just called me.
-Ah finally, where is he?
-Where is always, in the ghetto, I will go there tonight.
-Why? Is it really necessary?
-I need after all that, to talk to him, we need to look and see what we do, and this can not be done here.
-And how will it be?
-Darling, as we have done every time
-Okay, you'll be out for how long?
The look he gave her when asked that question was so sad and tired that she almost cried.
-I do not know, days, maybe a week.
-Oh, how I hate all this! Eddie got up from the chair he was sitting, walked around the room, running her hands through her hair, so seductive, that simple gesture, she almost gave up everything just to look, but could not.
-Love, Look at me, she was at her side now, trying to look him straight in the eye, the only way he knew to leave it safe, was speaking directly to the eyes.
-Listen, I need, you know, I need to see Susy, and decide what do we do now that we found again, now the plot thickens again understand?
-Yes I know it dear, but I'm afraid for you.
-My Love. He said embracing it fondly.
- I'm more dangerous than all of them together, you know. He smiled without spirit,
-Yes, I know, but still, it's my girl.
-Stay Calm, there are safer than anywhere in this world, all that banditry protects us in the end.
-What Is nevertheless ironic, is not it?
-Yeah maybe, but long since stopped thinking about the irony of life, I will go up to take a shower, get precise, you take me then, instead of forever?
-I Hope here.
-She rose, her head was spinning, and now, what to do? To where they were going, they would have to leave that place? Bathed trying to enjoy the warmth of the water and not think about anything, just feel the comfort of the moment.
-Left home in a relaxed way, she carried nothing that would indicate a trip or delay in return, who would see that they were going out to dinner.
-How ever, we go to the market, go to the bathroom, the same scheme, the transvestites will be waiting for me.
-That's Right.
Already on the market, could not dismiss the way you would like, she just looked at him, tears flowed eyes of those she loved, her heart raced, horrible pain as he turned his back and left him without looking back like it was just a moment.
Outside, a car was waiting, she already knew, came in.
Hello girls, were two boys, soberly and elegantly dressed, the two were very beautiful, with fun flying.
- Splits, you took, we were getting beige with a delay, thinking that something had gone wrong.
-No, just could not separate me from Eddie ... too hard.
-Every time it is, relax, let's go, the lady will be so crazy now that will not even remember it. They laughed, trying to distract her from that situation was always tense for everyone. They were transvestites, who always helped her and Roberto, knew the risks, and rightfully so much liked to do all that, the money that rolled out, of course, always had plenty of money on the go and a lot of drugs. She knew very well manipulate everyone and everything around you. My God! How can I do this with all these people? I used to think that at certain times, fuck it, it's too late to think about it.
-Come on kids, let's play with adult jokes, she laughed, but really just wanted to be numb to think of Eddie, that was all he felt, pain. The pain of remembering those eyes in the market begging so changes so she would not leave him again.
Got where Roberto was waiting for them, the place looked even slightly tidy, smelled unless she could remember, things were less dirty. Roberto realized that his friend looked around noticing it, and as he walked her to the embrace as expected, said:
-Find a little, for you do not feel so bad, and hugged her tightly, almost in tears of despair.
-Susy! My dear, I needed so much to see you, see how he was, because it took so long to make contact?
-She could not leave her friend, as if it would guarantee that he would not leave her side anymore.
-Dear, When I left the hospital, was all broken, a terrible thing to see, you have to come hiding, not to attract attention, look at me, I'm still black and blue, he showed his face bruised her friend, broken teeth, swollen eyes.
-Let's fix that need your face baby.
-Yes we will, but we'll talk about everything, now we have our friends here, let's do a little party to celebrate, right girls?
-Sure! They said the two transvestites in unison, they were all eager to start.
Roberto went to the cupboard, took a beautiful wooden box carved, inside it was a bag of powder in an amount sufficient to days of consumption, he began to stretch several white careers in a glass tray that had bought it specifically all began to get restless before you even start to suck that poison, each had himself a cut straw to customize the use of the substance. It was the last, everyone was with cigarettes, wine glasses in hand talking about everything and nothing, she looked so stretched that white line, and seemed indecisive,
-What Is it, do not you?
-Is this not, I was just thinking, ducked and once aspired all, to raise his head, his gaze had already acquired a fierce glare, had forgotten his love, now was that evil creature of fact, did not have to control.
-A Cigarette.
-Here, His glass of wine, the strangest of the whole scene, that miserable ruin, which despite being a large place, extremely poor, she had sent them to buy, crystal glasses, small glass trays, small things she He liked to wear even when his mind was projected elsewhere. He smoked his cigarette disconnected form actually was not thinking about anything.
-Makes the other for me.
-To All of us dear.
-All followed by a new round of dust.
-How are things here?
-By far so good, already probed everything, talked to those in need, that's okay, they will not find us here, did not know this place is quiet.
-I hope so, pull from that day, I do not have a second's peace, can not sleep, what happened? I do not remember, after they surrounded us, I do not remember anything else, only then when they were taking you to ambulance mess.
-More Shot?
-Well, do not say I know exactly what happened, I got both of those sons of bitches, if the police had not come out of nowhere, I do not know.
-Well, now we can not talk very much with our visits, they are calling us, we will.
-Were to meet the other two transvestites in another room, began conversations meaningless in most meaningless, all fully affected by the drug, all with that grotesque twinkle in his eye.
-Fag, I need to have sex, you know how I get when I'm "perturbed" going away "hunt down a breeder.
-I'm going with you, I'm also wondering, in fact it's time for us to work does not it darling?
-The other travesty began to pick up their coats and gather their things to leave.
-Girls, thank you once again.
-You Can count on us, the lady is a scandal, they laughed nervously.
-Give to him a little powder to take them.
 Already with them.
- Okay.
-Soon dear, parted with quick kisses, stiff movements, and forced smiles because of the chemical effects of the drug.
-Even though they were, I need you to call him here.
-The Lady is serious? And his beloved Eddie?
-One Thing has nothing to do with it, Eddie is not part of it, you know that "he" is part of our life and how I need.
-Yeah I know, it should come soon, I knew I was going to ask me that, I'll leave two bofinhos arranged to meet, I will "do" them. We came a knock at the door.
She felt her heart skip rampant, it was Scott, he was a monster like her who lived there longer than her as a monster, a wonderful man, physically so sexy, with a body so deliciously perfect, full of tattoos, glare so fierce behavior as his eyes with a husky, seductive voice, it was so powerful and evil as her, and she needed him as much as he her, he was its creator, so to speak, her Roberto and his brother.
-Hello Scott.
-Hello, he approached her and has held her by the waist as she pulled her hair tightly kissing her, it made her mad, he was violent, and that she loved, was completely submissive, he knew that was what she liked. After kissing her tightly and leave it alight ready to jump on him, he let go, went to the table, stretched, four shots cocaine, inhaled two, offered her, which she accepted, returned the kiss -la, already taking off his clothes, she was ready.
Scott stuck his hand between her legs and felt that she was completely wet, gave a cynical smile,
-Ready, as I like.
She could not speak, such is the excitement that was dominating.
He threw the mattress, finishing plucking her panties and began to rub her, she almost screamed with delight, and saw him opening his pants, already shirtless, that perfect body, her poor face the maddened, Scott turned to back force, very open her legs and penetrated her violently, she screamed, he groaned, so like, and penetrating continued with increasing force, she thought she was going to die there, finally he slowed the pace a little, left inside, up, went up to it and returned to the powder tray, stretched several careers of the drug, and left on the bed, turning to grab her tightly, she was on all fours on the bed, he forced her head against bed crushing.
-Snort, Bitch.
Scott pulled her by the hair, still inside her, penetrating without stopping forced to smell the powder, it was too good, she felt she would burst with pleasure, violence Scott was frightening, and she loved it, I never knew what wait.
-Snort another, come, snort
Being penetrated hard, he stretched the dust on his back and smelled her body without taking his cock inside, she would go mad as it was all good, he finally forced her to suck it until he enjoyed in his mouth and forced her to swallow everything, she almost fainted then, no one could do anything like that, she was addicted to this violence.
Scott got out of bed, put on his pants, sexy and distracted way, went to the table, prepared more dust careers, aspired two more, took the tray to the filthy mattress where she was still stretched, exhausted and broken, delighted with the that brutal violence and beautiful man, he practically forced her to smell the powder, she blindly obeyed, it was always like that, if he forced her to crawl across the floor to lick their shoes she would, without thinking, the pleasure she felt in to undergo it was inexplicable, and he had full control of that fact, so always acted in brutal and domineering way he liked it, dominate people was an art he performed very well.
Scott, was not limited to gender, he appreciated the beauty, the power to dominate the creatures, like men and women, but she, for centuries was their special protected creature, that he would crush if I could, because just as He liked to hurt her, liked yet to see the pleasure she felt being with him.
-So Girl, he lit a cigarette, it was almost obscene doing this, she already felt like fucking him again.
-What Happens, time to escape again? Problems? And that your cute little toy? When you go I borrow it for a while?
-Stop it, you will never touch your fingers on it, they referred to Eddie, you know.
-I know, yes, he smiled arrogant, he's your particular toy, I would do some damage with it.
-Stop About it! She was angry for real, could not accept that Scott was referring to his love that was so common form, she lived with him had nothing to do with all this junk, it really could not imagine or dream what really happened, all violence, all drugs, sex, mixtures, changes, it was only a superficial view of things, but never witnessed this part, ever.
-Forget it, my question to you is another, never touch in his name.
-I know delight, he pulled her by the hair tightly, it was enough to make her fully aroused, he ran his tongue over her breasts, she thought she would go mad, his breath began to accelerate, she realized violence accumulating it, and that made her even more mad, the painful bites that was beginning to feel her breasts were enough for her to be ready again.
-Completely obedient now understand? I spoke to forcing to the ground, pulling her hair tightly.
-Again, a delicious rough sex.